Sunday, January 17, 2010

Days 3, 4 and 5 and a bit of strep

So, no worries, I haven't changed my mind about my blog. I just got sick. Really sick. In fact, I can't remember the last time I was this sick. I took myself to the doctor yesterday and I have strep throat. WOW. And it turns out my babysitter has it too. Not sure who gave it to who. Poor thing. Sounds like her's is not quite as bad as mine, but I still feel so bad.

And then there is my poor husband. He came into our room last night and said, "Man, if we had 4 kids, and then you got sick, I don't know what I'd do!". I have to start getting better today, or I think he might run away to Mexico and change his name. We have no groceries in the house, and Jacob is missing me a lot. Josh and Jordan's toys are everywhere and the house looks a bit like a tornado ripped thru it. I'm trying to air out my bedroom and wash my bedding in a burst of energy, but trying not to do too much so I relapse. These are the days I wish I had a maid, and nanny, and personal assistant. Poor Jonathan.

It really made me think though, how important it is to take care of myself though... to eat healthy and exercise, not just so I won't be overweight and look like this, but so I'll be healthy and full of energy to take care of my family. Being "down" for 3 days now, I can see how much my family needs me. Of course everyone gets sick sometimes, but what if I got something because my body was unhealthy and overweight?? There are so many things that are preventable with a healthy lifestyle. Motivation, Motivation!!!

Ok, back to my bed/couch and rest for a bit. If you are reading this, please say a prayer for me to get better TODAY!!! My family needs me.